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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Snickers Bar: "EAT ME, EAT ME, EAT ME!!!!!"

So I am sitting at my job, with no car to drive tonight.  I usually have some homework to do for school, but I am finished for the week.  I am just basically dicking around on the computer to kill time (which I honestly don't get to do much anymore - I'm always so busy!).  I cleaned out my purse earlier, and found $1.00 in change stashed away in my wallet.  Ever since I have found that change one thing, and one thing only has been on my mind - BUY A FUCKING SNICKERS BAR, NOW!  Damn you, conveniently-placed-and-well-lit-vending-machines!!!  Damn you to the depths of hell!

[For those of you who don't know, I started the Weight Watchers program a month ago, and have been super successful so far with it!  It's more about a lifestyle change than a diet, and I am honestly on the right track with making good 'lifestyle changes' in my diet.  I have cut out MOST sweets, ALL CANDY, and ALL SODA]

I am NOT going to break my good habits now!!  Sure, the Snickers bars and cans of Pepsi are screaming and calling out to me right now (as I sip my ice water and eat my fruit (GAH!)), but they won't get the best of me!  I have worked too hard to fall off the horse now!

Who I Am, and What I Stand For....

HELLO blogging world!  Are you ready for me?

My name is Nicole, but those closest to me call me 'Kolie'.   I am 27 years young, and I live near the Columbus, Ohio area.  (Born and raised!)  I currently work in the Automotive Industry, as a Test Driver for Honda of America Manufacturing.  I am a crash-test dummy!  The worst part about my job is the hours - I currently work third shift hours (Midnight to 8AM).  In addition to working full time, I have been taking online college courses for the past 3 years to earn my Associate's Degree in Medical Billing and Coding.  I will finally have my degree next spring, and with it I plan on starting up my own Billing and Coding business from home.  Hooray for me.

Brad & Myself - February 2011

I have a wonderful boyfriend named Brad, who I fully believe is 'The One.'  I feel like he brings out the best in me, and pushes me to be my best.  He is my best friend, and I love him with all my heart.  I can share every thought, feeling, and emotion I have with him.  We truly have an amazing relationship!  We have been together since January, 2011.  We live and work together, so we are always around each other.  So far, we haven't gotten sick of each other (yet)!

     “Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

I have so many ambitions for my life.  I want to be famous.  I want to be a homeowner.  I want to have a legitimate career.  I want to be a wife.  I want to lose 100 pounds.  But above all, I want to be HAPPY.